Welcome to Eleuther Isle

A large island separated from coast to coast from the mainland

Welcome to Vinfelde

The disaster-struck city


Vinfelde is a large city surrounded by atmospheric scenery, nestled on a large lake. The only way in and out of the city was a large bridge connecting to the mainland. After an unknown disaster, the human population left. Many years later, in the remains and overgrowth of the city, cats and other species made it home. They lived there until the bridge collapsed, and consequently, became stranded.A few years later, Knellcough started its spread. With the cats nowhere to go, many made the city their home as they fought for their lives with the infectious disease that surrounded them.The cats are free to leave Vinfelde into the large outdoor growth beyond the city. However, this is dangerous as there is a large valley around the city that leaves them prone to attacks from other sick cats and large animals. no cat furthers into the wilderness unless they can run fast.

The Districts:the City of Vinfelde has four districts the cats consider home:

Welcome to Echor

The beautiful mountain and forest region


Echor, once a large quarry for mining, is now blossoming with foliage, trees, and untamed wildlife. Free of human infrastructure, Quarryclan now calls it home.Echor features a large crater of crystal clear water, surrounded by plains and a small forest, and almost completely enclosed by large mountains. The cats use the fields and mountains as home.Echor has plenty of wildlife and food, however there is an easily accessible entrance to echor through a gap in the mountains which the cats often use. There is no Knellcough here.

Welcome to Cryovalley

The cold tundra and forested region


Cryovalley often gets the chilliest and coldest weather on the island. It features large mountains, a tundra, and a small boreal forest. Cryovalley is often blanketed with snow, oftentimes becoming deadly in colder monthsThe valley has a few cases of Knellcough, as well as being harsher in terms of prey. Borealclan resides here, built to survive in the harshest of climates, the clan nestled between the tundra and the forest.During summer months, Cryovalley has little snow and the lake and rivers reveal a beautiful turquoise blue after the icemelt, with the foliage changing into vibrant sea-greens and autumn hues.

Eleuther- Inlet Cats

Cats stranded on a large island